Studying invasive starry stonewort

  • A stringy water weed in shallow water. There is a six-pointed bulbil resting on the surface of the water.


    Starry Stonewort (Nitellopsis obtusa) is an invasive macroalgae that was found in Erie County in 2020 at Burnt Ship Creek on Grand Island. Native to Eurasia, starry stonewort forms dense mats along the sediment surface.

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  • A map of Western New York with sample sites marked with star shapes. key "Sampling Locations: 1) Burnt Ship Creek 2) Braddock Bay 3) Keuka Lake 4) Cayuga Lake 5) Cazenovia Lake." Burnt Ship Creek is near Buffalo on the Niagara River, Braddock Bay is by Rochester on Lake Ontario, Keuka Lake and Cayuga Lake are both in the Finger Lakes region, and Cazenovia Lake is southeast of Syracuse.


    A map of sampling locations with representative bulbils marking each site, along with neighboring number that corresponds with the site name. There is starry stonewort at Burnt Ship Creek, Braddock Bay, Keuka Lake, Cayuga Lake, and Cazenovia Lake in 2021.

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  • A stringy weed with bulbs rests on top of snow.


    Starry stonewort found persisting beneath over a foot of ice and snow in Braddock Bay near Rochester, NY.

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  • Stringy weeds strewn through muck on something plastic by the water.


    Starry stonewort and associated rhizoids found within anthropogenic debris at Burnt Ship Creek on Grand Island, NY.

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  • The sun glints off the water of a body of water. There are emergent wetland plants along the margins and trees in the distance. The sky is clear with a few wispy clouds.


    Mouth of Burnt Ship Creek, the creek on Grand Island where starry stonewort was discovered in August 2020.

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  • A dense mat of algae sits below the surface of the water, with some lily pads floating on the surface. There is a shadow of a person in the foreground.


    A monoculture of starry stonewort found just beneath the surface of the water near the source of the Keuka Lake Outlet.

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  • A densely packed handful of stringy algae water weeds. In the background is a creek or other small body of water.


    A handful of starry stonewort removed from the Keuka Lake Outlet near a public boat launch.

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  • Dense, stringy algae wrapped around an oar above a paddleboard on the water.


    A glob of starry stonewort wrapped around a paddle, within Yanty Creek Marsh at Hamlin Beach State Park.

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  • A part of a body of water that is almost completely covered by algae and duckweed. There are emergent wetland plants on the water margin.


    Mats of green algae and duckweed building up on the surface of the water, being facilitated by the heavy presence of starry stonewort just beneath the surface in Yanty Creek Marsh.

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  • A hand holding up a dense clump of stringy water weeds. In the background is the edge of a body of water.


    A handful of starry stonewort pulled from Cazenovia Lake, to the southeast of Syracuse, NY.

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  • A person wearing a life jacket stands in water up to their chest as they take a smiling selfie with thumbs up.


    Graduate student Alexander Krest having a good time while walking through the muck at Braddock Bay, during sampling efforts.

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  • A hand holding up a water weed with radially emerging stalks with a single fan-shaped leaf on the end of each.


    A benefit of field work is being able aid in management activities by reporting other invasive species present in the area such as water chestnut (shown here in Braddock Bay).

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  • A framed sign "INVASIVE SPECIES ALERT Starry Stonewort" with a picture of a water weed in a hand. Three paragraphs of text explain the alert, followed by "THANK YOU!"


    A sign found at the boat launch of the Penn Yan Recreation Area, informing boaters of the presence of starry stonewort nearby.

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  • A lake on a relatively calm day, with fluffy clouds and a bright blue sky reflected in the rippling water.


    The scenery of beautiful Cazenovia Lake.

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  • A paddleboard on the water with a cooler, nets on poles, and some boxes of supplies.


    The versatile paddleboard proved to be a more than suitable means of transportation for solo sample collection, and is seen here after collecting the 50th sample.

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  • Stringy water weeds floating in a jumbled pattern in this underwater picture


    Starry stonewort viewed from underwater.

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  • A gloved hand holding up a tube of water and sediment above a body of water on an overcast day


    A sediment core taken from Braddock Bay, when investigating overwintering bulbil density.

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  • microscope photo of a six-pointed star shaped bulb and some filamentous algae.


    The namesake stellate bulbil of starry stonewort (viewed under microscope).

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  • microscope photo of about 15 scud crustaceans in a variety of sizes. They each curve into semicircles.


    A collection of amphipods from the preliminary survey efforts (viewed under microscope).

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  • microscope photo of 4 damselfly nymphs. They are long and thin with three sets of legs near the front and three leaf-shaped gills on their tails.


    A group of damselfly nymphs that were collected during the preliminary surveys (viewed under microscope).

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  • A lab table set up with a laptop, key book, trays with water and weeds, and tins with separated weeds.


    Sorting vegetation in the lab.

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  • A paddleboard floating on a body of water near the shore with three tires and a plastic barrel on it. The paddle is laid over the tires.


    Anthropogenic debris removed from Burnt Ship Creek during an observational field outing.

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