GLC 535 Great Lakes Ecosystem Science
Study of the North American Great Lakes ecosystems: evolution, physical and chemical features, biological structure, ecological interactions, ecosystem metabolism, and human dimensions. Specific topics covered will include: ecosystem concepts, including energy flow, nutrient cycling, and stability; food web structure and interactions among communities; geological history and evolution of the Great Lakes watershed; contemporary Great Lakes environmental issues; regulation of ecosystem functioning and adaptive management applied to the Great Lakes.
GLC 590 Independent Study
Independent investigation into a specific area of Great Lakes environmental science; topic selected by the student in consultation with a faculty member.
GLC 600 Great Lakes Seminar
Research seminar on Great Lakes environmental science topics, including physical, biological, chemical, socio-economic, and management issues in the Great Lakes basin. Invited speakers representing various groups within the Great Lakes basin, including government agencies, academia, industry, and public interest groups, will give presentations on Great Lakes environmental science and management topics. Students present thesis proposals and research results.
GLC 688 Internship
Guided, supervised field experiences that complement the academic program. Requires approval by the student’s advisor and internship coordinator, minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and background of courses or experience within the area of interest.
GLC 695 Master’s Thesis
Research or investigation of a particular problem, planned and carried out by the student in consultation and guidance from the instructor, submitted in acceptable form according to the directions given by the Graduate Studies Office.
PSM 601 Project Management for Math and Science Professionals
Current practices in project management as applied to math and science projects. Hands-on experience with the skills, tools, and techniques required in different phases of a project’s life cycle, including project selection, project planning, project staffing and organization, task scheduling, project-scope management, budgeting and progress reporting, risk management, quality management, project communications, and use of appropriate project-management software tools. Techniques for communicating and motivating teams throughout the project life cycle. Emphasis on team building and practicing project-management techniques through the use of science-based cases.
PSM 602 Communication Strategies for Math and Science Professionals
An examination of communications in business settings intended to develop strategic thinking about communication and aid in improving writing, presentation, and interpersonal communication skills for mathematicians and scientists within a managerial setting, including a set of "best practices" or guidelines that have been derived from both research and experience. Students will put those guidelines into practice, using a workshop format that will rely heavily on discussion and in-class exercises.
BIO 603 Foundations of ecology and evolution
BIO 612 Topics in Ecology: Trophic interaction
BIO 612 Topics in Ecology: Freshwater macroinvertebrate ecology
BIO 626 Topics in Botany: Plant ecology
BIO 627 Topics in Zoology: Microbial ecology
BIO 627 Topics in Zoology: Biodiversity and systematics
BIO 627 Topics in Zoology: Environmental toxicology
BIO 627 Topics in Zoology: Conservation biology
BIO 627 Topics in Zoology: Aquatic Entomology
BIO 629 Fisheries management
BIO 630 Stream ecology
BIO 635 Great Lakes ecology
BIO 670 Biological Data Analysis
GEG 503 Conservation and Environmental Management
GEG 516 Watershed pollution
GEG 518 Remote Sensing
GEG 521 Watershed analysis
GEG 523 Biogeography
GEG 525 Fundamentals of GIS
GEG 528 Environmental Assessment & Planning Applications in GIS
GEG 529 Advanced topics in GIS
GEG 565 Soil science and management
GEG 575 Principles of hydrology
GEG 616 Atmospheric deposition monitoring and modeling
GEG 617 Hydrologic modeling
GEG 619 Wetland hydrology and ecology
GEG 610 Topics vary
PLN 560 Environmental Impact Assessment
GES 521 Low temperature geochemistry
GES 525 Groundwater science
GES 529 Field Methods in Environmental Science
GES 607 Regional geomorphology of the United States
CHE 530 Advanced environmental chemistry